LilySlim Weight loss tickers

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Why I'm Striving To Learn

Why am I trying to learn to be healthier?  I've grown tired of being tired, fat, feeling gross ALL the time.  
When I was in my early teens I was pretty fit.  I wasn't thin, but I wasn't fat. I could do physical activity without getting winded very quickly, I could walk for miles, I was the sit-up QUEEN!  I had AMAZING willpower. I could take or leave food.  I never had a very healthy relationship with food though.  I would often go a day barely eating anything.  And it scared me that I enjoyed the feeling of being very hungry.  My Mom was good about keeping an eye on my eating habits so it was never able to spiral into anything serious, fortunately.  After I turned 16 or 17 my relationship with food didn't change, but I began struggling with depression and the depression made me eat and sleep a lot. My weight quickly ballooned.  But every so often I would have good weeks or a good month and I would watch what I ate so I stayed in a 10-15 pound range.  In college I was able to stay in that same pattern with my weight.
After college my weight got worse.  I had my first "real" job, which I hated.  I was miserable and the yummy, fattening food made me feel better. (At least at the time I was eating it!) My weight blew up to 220 pounds.  And I was miserable.  But fighting the depression gave me no energy or initiative to exercise.  Things got a little better after I left that job. I was able to diet my way back down to around 200 pounds, which is where I am now.
The past couple of months I have spent quite a considerable amount of time researching diet and exercise.  I've tried to get myself inspired. I kept telling myself that I would start tomorrow, but I kept putting tomorrow off for another day.
Well the day came last weekend when I decided that I could always find a reason to stay fat and not exercise or diet.  No more excuses.  I found a website I like that had diet and exercise tips and trackers and signed up.  Three days a week of strength training, three days a week of cardio.  And I'm working on my diet as well.  I'm trying to learn to like veggies, that I don't have to eat everything I prepare and that I can have what I enjoy in moderation.
So that's the beginning...

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