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LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Monday, February 20, 2012

Back At It

I have to admit, I have had a hard time the past few days getting motivated to exercise.  Like I said before, getting fit is more important to me than getting skinny so I really have to exercise! I've been recording my stress levels and quality of sleep and I'm amazed at the relationship between the two.  My stress has been pretty high the past few days and I haven't slept well, which makes it hard for me to get going.
Well I did it today. I ate my salad for lunch, ate a few raisins and then got to work. has been awesome about helping me come up with an exercise plan. The main thing about the site that annoys me is that it won't schedule me strength training for two days in a row. Maybe I shouldn't be doing two days in a row but that should be up to me. I found that I can override that rule and pick my own strength exercises, and that's what I do.  I've been doing modified planks, crunches and squats at least a few everyday.  Plus I stretch everyday.  I feel stronger everyday, but I have a long way to go.
Today I was wanting to squeeze in some time walking too.  As I don't have access to a treadmill or a vehicle, I made use of the acre we live on.  (Can't walk down the road; I live in the country, people let their dogs run wild.) I started last week walking twice around the acre and I was hoping to do more today, but I couldn't do it.  Two laps around had my lungs and calves burning.  I may go back out this afternoon and try to squeeze in a couple more laps.
So I am making a pledge to myself to try to walk a little everyday. I know my little Jack Russell Terrier will be glad, he loves walking with me!


  1. Hello, I came across your blog and I'm also on a similar journey. I just wanted to comment on this post because it's exactly what happened to me last week! I had completely no motivation for exercise at all. I also found that I was really stressed all the time and I had hardly any sleep all week, which made me want to exercise less! It really hit me that the lack of exercise (and a few days of eating crap) was the cause! It's amazing really, I never thought I'd be someone who uses exercise to de-stress. I managed to get off my ass though and I'm back on track again. Hope you're doing well. Hannah

  2. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! I think we are just going to have days like that & for me I feel like pushing through those days and exercising will only serve to make me stronger physically and mentally. I think exercise is a fantastic way to de-stress and I know it makes me sleep better. I hope you are doing well too!
